After Bruno played for several years with the New York Islanders and the Tampa Bay Ligthning while Maxime played for his part with the Pittsburgh Penguins, the two childhood friends finally found themselves on the same team, the Flyers of Philadelphia. Their dream came true.
During their hockey season, Maxime and Bruno are frequently involved in their respective regions by visiting hospitals and school classes, participating in fundraising activities, lending their names to causes and others. With this in mind, in 2008, Maxime Talbot and Bruno Gervais decided to join forcesto help various humanitarian organizations and causes. The Gervais-Talbot Foundation was thus born.
The purpose of the Gervais-Talbot Foundation is to centralize and coordinate requests for financial contributions and to organize events with the aim of raising funds for selected causes, mainly with regard to children.
Since 2008, the two acolytes have carried out a lot of projects. In addition to having organized eight editions of the “Omnium Gervais-Talbot”, they organized the NHL player tour in 2012 and participated in numerous charity events. They are now at the head of a program on RDS. The two partners continue to develop projects to help others, to help the most disadvantaged. Never mind, other fundraising campaigns will emerge in order to give to the next!